This book was first published in the Netherlands. It was very well received by readers, Christian magazines and national broadcast, receiving only positive comments.

Author information
The author, Arie-Jan Mulder, has been lecturing and preaching in the Netherlands for 40 years. He is the author of many articles in Christian magazines as well as seven books. He is giving bible studies on Dutch national radio and appeared on Christian TV. Some years ago he was portrayed on national television as being chronically disabled but nevertheless –with the help of God- serving as a speaker and author.
The book is a biblical re-sourcing of the Lord’s Supper. It is not about how-to-do-it-the-right-way, and it is in no way offensive unto any way of celebration of the Lord’s Supper. It is just a plain and constructive bible study.
It is surprising, and to many people revealing, in the way it shows the Lord’s Supper as a feast with the Lord, which we may celebrate freely.
It does so by starting with the words of Jesus at the institution of the meal, in which he invokes the whole story of God with mankind, from Genesis unto Revelation. Subsequently it deals with the celebration in Acts and the way Paul uses the Lord’s Supper as an example to the church of Corinth of their way with the Lord. All in all it shows the Supper as the celebration of our present and coming freedom in Christ.
The book is written in a very accessible way, in small and easy to grasp chapters. An appendix with frequently asked questions is added. So the book may appeal to all sorts of people who are interested in this fundamental aspect of Christian faith. It may be read personally or studied in small groups.
The Dutch edition is very well received by Christians with very different backgrounds. As one reader said: ‘This book should be on the bookshelf of every Christian’.
In the Dutch Christian market (en probably the English market as well) there are no similar books available. Literally every book on the subject of the Lord’s supper is either theologically based on some specific tradition or deals mainly with the liturgical aspects.
This book is surprisingly unique because it only deals with the biblical basis of the Lord’s Supper, in this way making it very personal.